Marine Biofuel Demonstration on LPG Carrier “LYCASTE PEACE” Completed
Astomos Energy Co., Ltd. and Nippon Yusen Kabushiki Kaisha have joined the liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) carrier “LYCASTE PEACE” (Owned by Nippon Yusen, Time chartered by Astomos).

Then, FAME B24 was bunkered with biofuel in Singapore, and the test cruise was completed on February 26. This demonstration experiment was conducted as part of a project aimed at establishing a marine biofuel supply chain led by the Singapore-based NPO Global Center for Maritime Decarbonization (GCMD), which aims to decarbonize the shipping industry.
In this demonstration experiment, by tracking the transportation of biofuel from the production site to the bunkering port in Singapore, mixing with conventional fuel, and management of the mixed fuel, it was confirmed that the supply chain in question is traceable and safe. Proved. By providing GCMD with data such as engine output and fuel consumption collected during the test cruise and receiving feedback, we will also make efforts to utilize it for future biofuel navigation.
Biofuels can be used as-is with existing ship engines and infrastructure. Furthermore, although carbon dioxide (CO 2) is generated when incinerated , it is regarded as one of the promising next-generation fuel candidates for decarbonization because it is considered carbon-neutral because it uses waste cooking oil as a raw material.
The project, which was first announced at the end of July 2022, will involve 19 industry partners, including Astomos and Nippon Yusen, as well as oil majors and major shipping companies, with 13 vessels including container ships, tankers and bulk carriers. We bunkered in 5 supply chains. The initiative aims to establish transparency in the supply chain of biofuels, from upstream to downstream, so that biofuels are widely adopted as more reliable fuels. It is also an initiative in anticipation of establishing a transparent supply chain for next-generation fuels other than biofuels, such as fuel ammonia.
The two companies will continue to cooperate in efforts to establish transparency in next-generation fuel supply chains, such as marine biofuels.
Source – NYK Media