Chengxi Shipyard (Yangzhou) launches the world’s second methanol-powered container ship – The Deck

Chengxi Shipyard (Yangzhou) launches the world’s second methanol-powered container ship

On August 17, China launched the world’s second dual-fuel methanol containership to reduce emissions and accelerate the adoption of alternative fuels. The Eco Maestro vessel is the first of 14 ships on order for Singapore-based X-Press Feeders. It is scheduled to enter service by the second quarter of 2024, operating on the company’s feeder routes in Northern Europe.

Eco Maestro (source:

The ship was designed by German naval architects TECHNOLOG Services and has a dimension of 13,900 dwt with a capacity of 950 TEU. The Eco Maestro is around 486 feet long and has a beam of approximately 82 feet. It is currently being built at Sumec’s Yangzhou New Dayang Shipbuilding Company.

This class of ships will be the first to install a new MAN dual-fuel engine designed to operate on green methanol. They will also incorporate other energy-saving features such as shaft generators, adjustable propellers, and a hanging flap rudder. The ships will have a design speed of 14 knots and are expected to meet both the EEDI phase three requirements and Tier 3 standards.

X-Press Feeders uses the ship’s livery to emphasize environmental messages, just like Maersk. The Eco Maestro was emblazoned with the company’s new slogan, “The Greener Feeder Carriers of Choice,” on its hull during the launch. Maersk, on the other hand, has added the phrase “All the Way to Zero” to the hull of its first methanol-fueled vessel.