HD Hyundai Gets AIP for its Next-Gen Autonomous Nav System – The Deck

HD Hyundai Gets AIP for its Next-Gen Autonomous Nav System

The Korean Register and Liberian Registry have awarded Approval in Principle (AiP) to the Hyundai Intelligent Navigation Assistant System (HiNAS 2.0) for autonomous shipping.

HD Hyundai Gets AIP for its Next-Gen Autonomous Nav System

The system, developed by Avikus, a subsidiary of South Korean shipbuilding major Hyundai Heavy Industries, uses augmented reality and AI to ensure safe navigation, improve fuel efficiency, and reduce operational burden on bridge teams.

The two registries reviewed classification rules, standards, and issued an Approval in Principle after signing a joint development agreement with Avikus and HHI. The autonomous navigation system is expected to reduce maritime accidents and air pollutants. The approval is seen as significant in the commercialization of autonomous ships.

To overcome the limitations on existing rules for examining the new autonomous navigation systems, KR, HHI, Avikus, and LISCR signed a joint development agreement in August 2022 to collaborate on bringing HiNAS 2.0 to market. KR and LISCR have now each confirmed the system’s safety and feasibility, having reviewed classification rules, domestic and international standards, and issued an AiP.

“The AiP awarded to HiNAS 2.0 is a great example of HD Hyundai’s determination to become a first mover in maritime mobility, by providing the digital solution for autonomous navigation. We will continue to advance our technologies for the safe autonomous operation of vessels,” Jung Jaejun, Vice President of HHI said.

Lim Dohyeong, Avikus CEO added that the outcome of the joint development research was quite meaningful because it is the first achievement through the collaboration of a shipyard, an autonomous navigation solution development company, a classification society and a ship registry.

“It proves that an autonomous navigation system can be installed on a ship and operated stably. We believe HiNAS 2.0 will drastically improve the safety and economic feasibility of ships, accelerating the commercialization of autonomous navigation technology,” he added.

“The commercialization of autonomous ships is highly anticipated by maritime stakeholders. This AiP is significant since it has proven the reliability and safety of AI-based autonomous navigation systems. We will provide our full technical support to enhance the safe and cost-efficient operation of autonomous ships,” Kim Yeontae, Executive Vice President of KR Technical Division said.