Green Yard Kleven has completed the modernization of two vessels for the Brascille company Oceanica – Oceanicasub Vlll & Oceanicasub lX – The Deck

Green Yard Kleven has completed the modernization of two vessels for the Brascille company Oceanica – Oceanicasub Vlll & Oceanicasub lX

Green Yard Kleven has completed and delivered two conversion projects for the Brazilian shipping company Oceanica. Oceanicasub Vlll and Oceanicasub lX have been converted from offshore supply vessels to advanced offshore vessels for ROV and crane operations.

Photo by Green Yard Kleven

Important elements to achieve a high degree of sustainability are life extension for the ship, overhaul and repair of existing equipment, installation of used equipment and reuse of interiors and furniture from recycled ships. The ship was connected to shore power from renewable sources through the project.

The interior of the ships Oceanicasub Vlll and Oceanicasub lX has been expanded with extra capacity for crew, expanded mess, meeting rooms, gym and office facilities. Green Yard Kleven has also assisted with the reactivation and classification of the ships, both of which were taken out of storage and sold from two different owners in connection with the project. Docking of the ship has been carried out at dockyards we cooperate with in the area.

Green Yard Kleven has built new mess decks for the operation of mini-submarines, the so-called ROV system, with associated control rooms and offices for the operators on both ships.

The conversions on the two ships have been similar, and have been carried out in close collaboration with ship owner Oceanica and designer Marin Teknikk.

Green Yard Kleven currently also has a third project in the works for Oceanica, Oceanicasub Xl, and looks forward to continued good cooperation and more projects in the future.